How It Started…..

How It Started…..

Last year I created a brand, a beautiful creation which I called Love Lucy. It all began around March/April 2023…..

For the past 10 years I’ve tried businesses, my very first was with a network marketing company which I started because I didn’t want to go back work after having my son. I wanted to replace my full time income so I could stay at home and be a full time mum to him, which I did and I loved it, but over time the passion started to fizzle out and because of that the business stopped working. I tried others, and again reached a decent level of success but just couldn’t seem to get any further. It’s because the passion wasn’t there, not true passion as I know and feel now, network marketing is not a strong desire of mine. At the time, it felt like failure but now I know it was all part of a bigger plan, but back then I felt scared, stuck and frustrated and I couldn’t see a way out of the situation that I was in. I felt scared that my life was going to feel the same same, mundane way forever. I really wanted a business because I needed to make a change, I needed to break free from the continuous cycle of lack and struggle. Employment didn’t feel good to me, so wasn’t really an option, I had to be self employed as this is what I felt used to and what I felt aligned to as I am here to create change and make an impact. It was a feeling of “I didn’t come this far to only come this far” but at the same time I just felt so much fear and this feeling was really beginning to get on top of me, like I was drowning in fear and lack.

Around January 2023, I was advised by one of my spiritual mentors to go on to a programme called Business Concept Currency Manifestation Programme. A programme which would connect you to Your Truth in business and to manifest currency (money) above energetic law. Being a deeply spiritual person I understand energetics very well, so this sounded like exactly what I needed and it was a very low investment so I jumped right in. I thought YES this is going to save me, I felt relieved.

The programme was amazing, I loved it so much and that’s when and where Love Lucy was created, actually let’s say where it was unearthed. I spent most of 2023 flowing in Business Concept, learning, creating and spending every Wednesday evening with my amazing business mentor and friends also on the programme, it was the best. I loved finding out about who I truly am, what really lights me up and the impact I’m here to make. I felt so excited.

December 2023 came and I was ready to launch, I had been through the highs and lows of setting up my own business and the pain of setting up a Shopify store which really wasn’t easy for me with being a technophobe. I didn’t have a clue about all of this stuff or the practical side of business, I felt overwhelmed most of the time but I eventually got there and my beautiful creation was ready to go.

I felt excited and so proud and I launched it on the 15th December 2023. But unfortunately, the Business Concept programme ended then too and this rocked me massively. I’d spent the whole year setting it up but had no clue how to sell it, I felt I still needed help with this so wasn’t quite ready for the support to end. I loved my brand Love Lucy and the products which is skincare but I thought how on earth am I going to sell this, there’s millions of creams out there. I felt lost and alone and all the excitement seemed to dissipate along with the passion. I thought Noooooo, I can’t go through this again, not another business, and that feeling of despair and failure had now kicked in.

I really didn’t want to start another business, I had spent so much time and money creating this one I just didn’t want to walk away but I couldn’t afford any business support and I will only work with those who know and understand Business Concept and working above energetic law, so I felt really alone and I just felt like a big fat failure again.

My mentor who I worked with and who I trusted implicitly could see, before I could who I am in business, my passion and my truth at an advanced energetic level but I hadn’t quite yet understood this consciously myself. Or I did understand but didn’t truly believe what I’m capable of, even though I had all the live recordings of being told who I am, my capabilities felt very “out there” (woo woo some might say) and I just couldn’t connect to the truth of it, I felt scared so I found it really hard creating social media content because I just wasn’t feeling balanced, all over the place if I’m honest. The content ended up feeling boring, disconnected and repetitive and just the same as all the other creams, I needed to stand out but how?? It felt so hard, I needed support and community, I just felt lost, another business down the drain. But I couldn’t throw it away, I didn’t want to walk away from it so I was hovering over it for the first half of this year, hoping my passion would come back or I’d expand enough spiritually so I could just run with it.

Then in July 2024, I spotted a new membership, eeeek a Business Concept membership 💃🏻 F’EMPOWERED, run by another one of my spiritual mentors Karen Hutchinson who I fully trust to connect and guide me back to my Truth in Business as she is now the lead energy of BC. Of course I signed up straight away, I felt Home.

Just over a month in and I feel so happy to be apart of such a wonderful, supportive community of women, I feel getting the right support is important. A slight shift in perspective and the Passion is back….. I am so done with playing small, f**k that we’re only here once. I believe in my Magic, and yes there are lots and lots of collagen creams out there but there’s also only ONE me, my energy is rare and unique and so is my brand.

I love and use my own products and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I’m often told I look younger than 40. I hear it a lot, I went out for dinner the other night and the restaurant owner who I’ve not seen for a while told me I look like I’m getting younger! Thank you, I will take that 😉

The energy of Love Lucy is perpetually Young with a strong desire to generate Love, (hence the name) looking at yourself in the mirror and feeling Good, knowing Good is coming. It’s a feeling of serenity, regardless of what’s going on around you because you can see, know and feel the Good, it’s little drops of Heaven. I want to support You and your skin through the inevitable, but beautiful ageing process.

When I first created my brand, I would regularly hear the song 🎶 “What the world needs now is Love, Sweet Love” I often get guidance through music which is beautiful, but I thought how am I going to do that? How am I going to generate Love, Sweet Love, globally 🤔

I know 🙋🏻‍♀️💡 through Collagen creams, I’ll create a gorgeous skincare brand and share it with the world. They will feel better and because of that, look better too ❤️

Now you can see why I just couldn’t walk away from this, it’s too magic ✨
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